Since we haven’t been properly introduced, here is a small introduction to the songwriter behind Standuprock Songwriting (

What to do when you wake up every morning with a different tune on top of your mind?

Brought up on a farm my youth was filled with one-liners summing up the reality checks in life, trying to avoid a dad who was whistling every day…. being independent and thinking out loud.

Roundabout a decade ago I thought it would be a good idea to mix my tunes, identity, whit, one-liners and the best of my wordy creativity in a silver bowl, give it a serious stir and see what happens.

This experience was a life changer. Apart from the creation of 30-40 songs back then I literally  have been reprogramming my brain activity to songwriting. And it seems to work out.

It ended up in a lifestyle I am in today: working on songs and ideas by recording them 1 day a week and constantly letting ideas shift from left to right on the back of my mind, consciously and subconsciously every day of the week.

Still progressing….. still writing……. still wondering

Jan Pollemans,

Profound Singer- songwriter, working class hero and a familyman.

One song a fortnight, one leg in society, two thumbs up for inspiration…

I hope this relates to you, hope to hear from you by email:


In the next upcoming months I’ll be upgrading my songs to radioquality.

Time for me to spit it out and …. Time for us to get to know each other a bit

‘You got to pack and pick it up’ –